The Okanagan Precision Drivers Association 2022 Annual General Meeting was held on January 26, 2022 and covered many topics of interest to Okanagan Autocross members. Most significant is the increasing cost of operating a motorsport event hosting organization. The OPDA has seen significant cost increases from everything from lot rentals to insurance coverage and has taken steps to ensure the organization remains viable and able to continue to host challenging autocross events throughout the Okanagan.
Here are the highlights from the 2022 OPDA Annual General Meeting.
Financial Changes for 2022
To cover increased operating costs, the OPDA has made two changes for 2022. First, the fee for Friday evening events at Kelowna will be raised from $20 to $25, while the fee for Vernon full-day events at Vernon will be raised from $40 to $50. Half-day entry has been eliminated for Vernon.
Second, the Okanagan Autocross punch card used for discounted entry at autocross events in the past has been eliminated. Outstanding punch cards will be honoured until the end of the 2022 season.
Trailer Wanted
Due to the many limitations of the current OPDA utility trailer, the OPDA Executive has approved the purchase of a replacement trailer in 2022. Unfortunately, the market for trailers is very hot right now with prices high and availability low. If you know of a trailer around 7’x14′ with barn doors that might be available, please contact Wade.
Event Registration Online
Beginning with our first event in 2022, both membership and event registration and payment will no longer be taken in-person or at the event. All registrations must be done online using the motorsport registration system.
OPDA Championship Extended
In an effort to improve attendance at events, the OPDA Executive Board has approved the addition of an overall (multisite) championship starting in 2022. In addition to the traditional Hotshot and Topgun championship trophies awarded each year for Kelowna and Vernon, the OPDA will award trophies to the first, second and third place winners based on combined points totals for both sites.
Regional Championship
The Confederation of Autosport Car Clubs (CACC), of which the OPDA is a member, will be supporting a regional (provincial) championship for 2022. Three weekend events have been tentatively scheduled
- June 11-12 at Westshore Motorsport Park in Victoria, hosted by the Victoria Motor Sport Club
- August 27-28 at Mission Raceway Park in Mission, hosted by the VCMC Motorsport Club
- September 24-25 at Kal Tire Place in Vernon, hosted by the Okanagan Precision Driving Association
The CACC Autoslalom Discipline has set aside $5000 to assist participants with travel costs ($100 per event) and has provided $3500 for trophies and prize money for the regional championship winners.
Introduction to Autocross Day
Planning is underway for an OPDA Introduction to Autocross Day. The purpose of the event is to introduce newcomers to the sport of autocross in a friendly, low pressure way. Steve Gunner is taking the lead on event planning and is targeting a one-on-one trainer to trainee ratio for participants. Current OPDA members are encouraged to contact Steve to help in introducing autocross to newcomers. The event will not be a competitive championship points event.
Volunteers Wanted
It takes a lot of work to put on 21 OPDA autocross events over the spring and summer months. The bulk of that workload has been carried for many years by just a few hard-working and committed club members. The OPDA would like to encourage its members to step forward to help ease the burden for the core group. We need volunteers for everything from course setup to registration to timing setup and operation. If you can spare a few hours or more over the course of the season, please contact