2023 Okanagan Autocross Championship Results

The Okanagan Autocross 2023 season is now complete. The Okanagan Precision Driving Association hosted a total of twenty autocross competition events from May through September.

Congratulation to all our winners and runners-up especially to Kurt for his dominance in Hotshot and Rob for his brilliant season in sweeping all four championships in which he was eligible.

Here are our 2023 championship winners. Note that Hotshot champions are permanently moved to the Topgun category for the next season.

Overall ChampionshipRob Hamilton
Kelowna Topgun ChampionRob Hamilton
Vernon Topgun ChampionRob Hamilton
Kelowna Hotshot ChampionKurt Breton
Vernon Hotshot ChampionKurt Breton
Vernon Eliminator ChampionRob Hamilton
Rookie of the YearOwen Wright
Most ConesWayne Terai

For a consolidated championship history, visit our Championship Results page. For detailed information on the 2023 and previous season results, visit the OPDA Forum.

2023 OPDA Championship Award Winners

The National Bank of Canada Joins Okanagan Autocross Sponsorship Program

The Okanagan Precision Driving Association is pleased to announce the addition of the National Bank of Canada as a 2023 Okanagan Autocross sponsor.

The National Bank of Canada is the sixth largest commercial bank in Canada. Headquartered in Montreal, the National Bank serves over 2.4 million personal clients and has branches in most Canadian provinces. NBC also provides a comprehensive suite of online banking services to customers across the country.

Darren Kiley (right), NBC’s Regional Manager, attended the OPDA’s August 4 Kelowna autoslalom event to present the award to OPDA President Steve Gunner who was assisted by OPDA member and NBC employee Stephanie Boyle. Darren emphasized the Bank’s continuing efforts to reach out to and support grassroots organizations such as the Okanagan Precision Driving Association.

The OPDA is very grateful for the NBC’s generous support and highly recommends their financial services to all OPDA Okanagan Autocross members, friends and family.

CSN Collision/Lift Auto Group Join OPDA Sponsorship Program

The Okanagan Precision Driving Association is pleased to announce CSN Collision and Lift Auto Group as 2023 Okanagan Autocross sponsors.

With over 200 locations and more OEM certifications than any other network, CSN Collision is Canada’s choice for quality collision repair.

The OPDA is grateful for CSN’s generous support and recommends CSN Collision‘s quality repair services to all OPDA Okanagan Autocross members, friends and family.

Lift Auto Group is a leader in the collision repair industry. Headquartered in Kelowna, Lift currently owns and operates locations in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario with plans for expansion coast to coast.

2023 Introduction to Autocross Driver Training

The Okanagan Precision Driving Association is pleased to announce its second annual Introduction to Autocross Driver Training event on Saturday, April 22, 2023.

The event will consist of a full day of Autocross driver training, beginning with classroom instruction, followed by graduated in-car, on-course training and culminating in Autocross mini-competition.

Our goal is to introduce beginners to the fun and exciting sport of Autocross. Sorry, but experienced Autocrossers will not be accepted.

For 2023, entrants will receive a free 2023 membership in the Okanagan Precision Driving Association. An OPDA membership, normally costing $50, entitles members to register and compete in any 2023 Okanagan Autocross event.

If you have been itching to test your skills at a motorsport competition but have been hesitant due to the intensity of an official event, this day is designed for you.

For the course curriculum and registration, visit our Introduction to Autocross page.

2023 OPDA Annual General Meeting

The 2023 Okanagan Precision Driving Association Annual General Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be held online and is open to all 2023 members.

Be sure to submit your 2023 OPDA Membership application prior to the meeting in order to ensure your ability to attend as a voting member. Apply for OPDA membership at this location.

2022 Okanagan Autocross Championship Results

The Okanagan Autocross 2022 season is now complete. The Okanagan Precision Driving Association hosted a total of twenty-four autocross competition events from May through September. Fifteen events were planned for our Okanagan College lot but an early April sunset and a June rainstorm brought that number down to thirteen. Vernon fared better with seven full-day events and a two-day Eliminator held at the Kal Tire venue.

The 2022 season saw the introduction of the Overall Championship which consolidated the Hotshot and Topgun categories and the Kelowna and Vernon venues into a single championship fight.

Here are our 2022 championship winners. Note that Hotshot champions are permanently moved to the Topgun category for the next season.

Overall ChampionshipNick Gunner
Kelowna Topgun ChampionRob Hamilton
Vernon Topgun ChampionDoug Floer
Kelowna Hotshot ChampionSteve Wensley
Vernon Hotshot ChampionEthan Delitche
Vernon Eliminator ChampionJordan Valgardson
Rookie of the YearBen Hamilton
Most ConesMatt Phillips

For a consolidated championship history, visit our Championship Results page. For detailed information on the 2022 and previous season results, visit the OPDA Forum.

2023 OPDA Board of Directors Elected

At the 2022 Fall General Meeting held on Tuesday, November 15, the membership elected the board that will serve as the Okanagan Precision Driving Association executive for the 2023 season.

New to the board are Caleb Loewen (Secretary), Ethan Delichte (Director), Steve Wensley (Director) and William Pao (Director). Steve Gunner has won election for President with Doug Floer (Vice President) and Wayne Terai (Treasurer) continuing in their previous roles.

Completing their terms on the OPDA board are Wade Schmidt (President), Matt Schmidt (Director), Bruce Stevenson (Director) and Wil Dwyer (Director).

The board would like to extend its gratitude to the departing board members for their service and dedication in helping make the 2022 season a success and for their hard work in advancing the goals and objectives of the club.

Visit our Club Information page for a full listing of the current OPDA board members.

Complementary Event Entry Fee Policy

On January 12, 2022, the Okanagan Precision Driving Association board approved a motion implementing a policy restricting the historical practice of granting free event entry to various individuals at Okanagan Autocross events.

Prior to the 2021 season, the OPDA and its predecessor, the Okanagan British Car Club, had a lax policy regarding the provision of complementary autocross event entry fees. No official policy was in place and the unofficial policy was unclear. The bulk of the membership was not aware that some members were competing in events without paying.

In 2021, OPDA tracked the complementary entries for the season. The results of this study was presented at the January 12, 2022 board meeting for review. An official policy guiding the use of complementary entry fees was put forward by Doug Floer, seconded by Matt Schmidt and approved unanimously by the board.

Up to four participants may receive a complementary entry at each event. They are:
A) Steward and or Clerk of the Course
B) Course designers
C)Trailer drivers
D) Any other participant where at least two board members are in agreement with the complementary entry.

OPDA Board Meeting, January 12, 2022

Inaugural Introduction to Autocross a Success

The Okanagan Precision Driver’s Association held its first annual Introduction to Autocross in Kelowna yesterday under a warm sun and clear skies. The club hosted a completely sold out event, running students through a classroom session covering the theory and technical aspects of autocross, followed by on-course training given in graduated driving sessions which culminated in an afternoon of full-on autocross heats. The students were a very talented bunch and a huge amount of progress was made over the course of the day. Based on student comments and survey results, the event was a great success.

Thanks to all the budding autocrossers that joined us yesterday. We look forward to racing with you in the future, if we can keep up.

Thanks also to all the OPDA members that gave up a perfectly good Sunday to bring the sport to these eager newcomers. Special thanks to Steve Gunner for all his work as the event’s progenitor and chair, and to Nick Gunner for doing a lot of the planning and heavy lifting. Thanks also to the instructors and crew making the event a success: Wade Schmidt, Amanda Schuffels, Wayne Terai, Richard Matte, Matt Schmidt, Matt Phillips, Daniel Buehler, Wade Pollok, Bevin Buehler, William Pao, Will Dwyer, Ethan Delichte, Steve Wensley, Ben Wegner, Tim Reid, Doug Floer and Kiernan Wingfield.

Images below provided courtesy of Ethan Delichte and Steve Wensley of Prime Light Media.

Introduction to Autocross for Beginners

The Okanagan Precision Driving Association will be hosting a one-day introduction to the motorsport of Autocross on Sunday, April 24, 2022. The event is targeted at those interested in trying the sport but have been hesitant to jump straight into a competitive event without the benefit of instruction.

Autocross, also known as autoslalom or solo, is an inexpensive form of motorsport competition that uses traffic cones in a paved lot to produce a small road course for competitive events. Participants compete to see who can make it through the course the quickest and without dislocating cones or going off course.

If you have been wanting to test your skills at an Autocross event but have been hesitant due to the intensity of competing in an official event, this day is made for you.

Attendance will be limited to between 15 and 20 in order to provide a high instructor to student ratio, with the goal of giving each student one-on-one instruction by seasoned Autocross competitors.

For a full course curriculum and to register, visit our Introduction to Autocross page.